2018 Nobal Peace Prize Nominee for Literature
Alexender Volny is World Harmony's first Patron. He was born in the southern part of Ukraine not far from Odessa on the Black Sea. For those who would like to read more about his history and also to read his book, The Science of Life click HERE. This work is a culmination of 35 years of Alexander's writings that has earned him this nomination.
Alexander's Appeal to Members of World Harmony can be read HERE.
Alexander Volny was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for literature in 2018 but was unable to proceed because of political interference. Ironically Alexander is a personal friend of Ukraine's new President Elect, Volodymyr Zelenskiy who was voted into office with record result of over 73% of the people's vote. He took office in June 2019. Since that happened President Zelenskiy has requested a meeting with Alexander (more news about this in due course).
Founding Member Trevor Osborne first met Alexander in August 2017 and again in August 2018 when he was Trevor's host and guide in and around Kiev. Trevor was there on behalf of Joshua Pollock CEO of Perth-based Electro.Aero seeking a possible joint-venture with a Kiev-based aircraft company.