Makes Many Current Farming Practices Obsolete
Mike McCosker, NSW Australia
Listen to interview HERE
The current chemical-based agricultural system has taken us down an undesirable path that has created a never ending series of problems, such as polluted waterways, pesticides in the food-chain and food that lacks essential trace minerals and other nutrients. For the sake of future human health, current practices need to change; we need to work with nature as we did before the mid 1940’s. This doesn't mean we abandon everything we've learned. Rather it's about combining the best of the old with the new in a smart way that produces better quality food at a lower cost, without all the negative side effects currently being created.
The good news is that we now have the basis of a new farming model that makes many of the current practices obsolete. The new method involves working closely with nature that creates an ideal soil that produces healthy plants that resist pests and diseases. What's more the food is more nutritious and tastes great too!
The system combines the best of several other practices and is enhanced by the use of a new high-speed mechanical weeder. This new biological farming system uses a simple technology that provides feed-back information from the crop that allows the farmer to formulate an ideal nutrient-fertilizer mix at a fraction of the cost of the current system. The results are spectacular in producing crops superior in quality and yield – crops that are so healthy they are largely disease-free.
Listen to this interview that World Harmony’s founder, Trevor Osborne had with Mike McCosker who owns and operates a 3000 acre farm in NSW Australia (and is also offered to lead World Harmony’s Agricultural Assistance Team). Having studied numerous farm production methodologies, Mike has spent many years passionately consulting to farmers and agronomists around the world about a new paradigm practice in agriculture that he calls Biological Farming!
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Mike McCosker from NSW Australia with a 3000 acre farm has developed a new sustainable system of agriculture and horticulture known as Biological Farming. It combines new technologies with old agricultural practices that have withstood the test of time! This has resulted in a chemical-free farming practices that produce food that not only tastes good, but is good for you. This is because the food contains all the minerals, vitamins and other goodies that our bodies need to be healthy.
Farming methods will change with such things as high-tech mechanical weed removal without harming the crop that will replace spraying poisonous herbicides.
Recent farming practices have depleted many trace minerals from our soils. These can easily be replaced with the use of finely grounds rock of volcanic origin. The effect this has on the soil is quite remarkable. In fact, this can turn a “dead soil” into a “living soil” almost overnight. As a result, the natural soil microbes return, as do earth worms which are so important as they digest organic matter. This organic matter over a period of time creates humus, the substance that makes soils fertile and stops nutrients from being washed out of the soils and into our waterways.
Likewise, humus can be replaced at the time of seeding. The source of this comes from “brown coal” which is actually fossilized organic matter. It can be made through a very simple and rapid process of grinding the coal,adding water and microbes. Within a few days the coal is converted into a humus concentrate that can then be dried, pelleted and distributed to farmers and gardeners.
There are also revolutionary practices that can change a whole ecology from a desert into a productive landscape within a few short years. We recommend viewing the following documentary to witness the effectiveness of this process. This system will also include cleaning up the oceans and re-establishing natural areas of forests, water-ways and marshlands.
In Times of Drought
With climate change, droughts are happening frequently and more severely. Mike found a very cost effective way to feed his stock and keep them in very good condition with a new practice he has developed. He has set up an indoor "sprouting system" where he germinates cereal seed (mainly barley) . After five days growth they are fed to his stock. The results are phenomenal.
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A revolutionary new technology has been developed to assist farmers worldwide to significantly improve the soils, enhance the quality of food produced on their farm . The Guidance System directs towed implements precisely between crop rows preserving the integrity of the individual plants. Currently crop rows are planted with 12cm to 45cm spacing. Any deviation by an implement, especially at speed, would cause the crop to be disturbed or destroyed. The Guidance System directs the implement to adjust its position relative to the crop. This movement accommodates any deviation in the planting caused by factors such as the lie of the land, irregular lines in the original seeding or the equipment being towed off center.
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When combined with existing farming implements, the AEGIS Guidance technology enables farmers to eliminate the use of chemicals in weed control by returning to mechanical weeding. But there are many other applications for this technology in agriculture including the accurate placement of sub-surface irrigation water pipes. This allows distribution of water with or without liquid fertilizers to the root area which is far more efficient and preventing moisture loss while minimizing pollution of waterways.
The tested equipment has shown to be accurate to 5mm at 10km/hr meeting the requirements of the Danish farming community. Following successful trials in Denmark (Europe), the equipment has been further developed and is now able to maintain accuracy at 12-15 km/hr.
All components of the system are very robust. Farmers need equipment that operates at all times. The four components of the Guidance System will operate in all weather conditions, day or night. They will withstand rough treatment and can be hosed clean. The control box that will be located in the cab is simple in design with a minimum of displays. All the components of the System are simple to attach and operate.
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