The world’s operating systems are becoming more dysfunctional, divisive, dis-empowering and dominating. They have all reached their use-by-date and as such need replacing with new win-win-win systems that benefit humanity, the eco-system and the planet!
A New Operating System
Planet Earth is in the midst of a major global transformation and has been for quite some time. One doesn’t have to be a genius to see that our current system is falling apart. Everywhere one looks there are seemingly insurmountable problems of major proportions. There are thousands if not millions who are trying to fix what is an unfixable system. So, what is the answer?
As Buckmister Fuller said so many years ago:
“Never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes
the existing model obsolete!”- Buckminster Fuller”
“Rather than fighting the old system, it is much
more effective to step outside and start creating
a new system!” – Dr. Bruce Lipton, September 2013
The system that we have been using for thousands of years has reached its use-by-date. it allowed us to get to where we are now but it is now time to create new systems that will allow humanity to evolve to new heights and explore the positive side of life in ways we are just starting to discover. This next stage is the “fun part” of the journey and is gaining momentum!
To explain what has been happening and what is about to happen, the following analogy will be used. Our world is represented as a double-sided jigsaw puzzle. The puzzle pieces of the top picture represent limiting systems of our old society that perpetuates the negative side of life that has brought, wars, struggle, suffering, pollution, crime, scarcity, disharmony and destruction.
On the underside and out of sight, is another picture that is the polar opposite of the one on top. This picture represents an unlimited new system of operation that encourages and supports everyone to live their dreams in an exciting, healthy, fulfilling and happy way.
Now here is the magical part of this story. If you remove a puzzle-piece and turned it over you would see part of the new positive picture on each piece. Each inverted piece is part of the non-limiting system.
Interestingly, when you try to place these inverted pieces back into the old puzzle, they no longer fit. So what to do? The answer is SIMPLE. Place these inverted pieces onto a new table and start assembling the new puzzle along side the old puzzle… same pieces with a whole new picture – a new outcome.
Just like assembling the new jigsaw, World Harmony is providing a new way to assemble a parallel New Operating System that is composed of ALL the individual systems. This endeavor includes introducing advanced new technologies and evolved ideas that are designed specifically to propagate a non-limiting civilization. This new system is called the:
To learn about the TEAL OPERATING SYSTEM click HERE!
Unlike the old system of divisiveness, dis-empowerment, domination, pain and suffering, the Global Teal Network supports the opposite, i.e. empowerment, unity, free will, pleasure, cooperation, equality and enjoyment!
This New Operating System is designed to work hand-in-hand with a set of Guiding Principles of Synchronicity (GPS). This is like the ‘software’ of the new system that enables the creation of a parallel New Civilization that will eventually make the old systems obsolete as it absorbs it in way that is natural and comfortable!
The beauty of this approach is that no one has to try to “change or fight” the old system. The new operating system is simply assembled from the resources of the old system and when ready, we can adopt the new system in our own good time, for the benefit of all!