Founding Member
Provisional Member
Certified Member
Provisional Associate Member
Certified Associate Member
CERTIFICATION: To become a full Member one is required to become Teal Certified.
1. A Founding Member is an individual who dedicates time and effort assist WH become a "nucleus" from which the Global Teal Network can be launched, nurtured and allowed to grow. For each Founding Member to retain their status they are required to become Teal Certified within a designated time period.
2. A Provisional Member is an individual who resonates with World Harmony Foundation Charter and desires to play their part to further these ideals and principles to help create a better world and applies for World Harmony Provisional Membership with a view of becoming a Certified Member.
3. A Certified Member is a former Provisional Member who has been granted Teal Certification.
4. A Provisional Associate Member is any group, association, corporation, nonprofit or other organization that resonates with the World Harmony Foundation Charter and desires to play their part to help create a better world and applies for Provisional Associate Membership with a view of becoming a Certified Teal Associate Member.
5. A Certified Associate Member is an organization that has been granted Teal Certification status.
6. A Patron is an individual or organization of good standing that endorses the WHF Charter and has given permission to use their name in promoting the aims, ideals and objectives of WHF.
If you are interested in being a member please let us know what your interest are and what is your passion in the form below. For example, it might a new health method or something similar. If so, share what you have to offer that may be helpful to humanity. We may then add this information to our website under the Heath category.
But remember, first you will be a Provisional Member. Once you are Teal Certified then you will be given full membership.
IMPORTANT: At the time of writing (May 2019) we have not yet set up the online Teal Educational & Certification Sevice (we are currently putting out for people willing to help us with this project).