"You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes
the existing model obsolete" - Buckminster Fuller

None of us have it all-together, but together we have it all!
Building a new model is the fastest and easiest way to make positive change without causing disruption. A simplified example is how flat-screen TVs made old-style screen TVs obsolete!
We all know humanity is on an unsustainable, damaging and dysfunctional path that needs changing.
World Harmony is building a new model designed to provide a way to resolve major global problems and potentially open a "Gateway to a New Civilization".
This new approach is designed to replace society's obsolete operating system with a new one. It will be known as the Global Teal Network (GTN).
GTN is based on proven Teal Principles that many pioneering companies and organizations have been successfully using around the world; some for years!
GTN is designed as an online, self-governing, self-managing public collaboration platform and intranet communication system that uses the holochain system for security and endless band-width.
GTN is there for everyone; individuals, groups, organizations, businesses, researchers, hospitals, farmers, nonprofits, NGO's and even governments just like the internet is there for everyone!
GTN will be effective, swift, collaborative, win-win-win, non-disruptive and beneficial to humanity, the ecosystem and the planet!
GTN is for people of good-will to work together to build a better world for generations to come!
GTN will replace the underlining causes of poverty, hate, crime, hunger, suffering, greed, war, pollution, etc with new methods and technologies.
GTN will embed leading-edge technologies, methods, know-how and information for common use. This will kick-start long-term global solutions in a way that has never-before been possible.
If you would like to help us build a better world please click HERE
CymaTron Technology
Electric Aviation
Biological Farming