Founder, Trevor Osborne interviewed by Timothy Roxbury
World Harmony is many things. It is about facilitating a life-style of synchronicity where the whole supports the one and the one supports the whole. World Harmony is designed for everyone – individuals like you and me that want to make a positive difference in how we live, work and play. World Harmony is there to attract non-hierarchical consciously aware people collaborating with win-win-win goals for humanity. These individuals are humanitarian innovators, connectors and influencers - aware that our current systems are becoming more and more dysfunctional and that a New System needs to be established to replace the old ones as they crumble.
World Harmony Foundation is the legal entity through which World Harmony can interact with the current system. It is an unincorporated association based in Australia that interacts globally. Its primary purpose is to function as an interface between old paradigm activities and the new. Its mission is to create a GLOBAL TEAL NETWORK as a base from which people of good-will can do their part and collaboratively build a better world for themselves, their kids and beyond.
World Harmony Foundation is composed of Founding Members who choose to be of service and do so to the best of their ability with love and integrity. Their inspiration is to work for the greater good of humanity and the planet.
The Teal organizational model is a proven operating system that is perfect for positively oriented groups, organizations, governments and individuals. It operates from a set of principles to create a collaborative operating system that will serve and support humanity, the ecosystem and the planet for eons to come. It is a harmonious, self-organizing, self-managing, adaptive, win-win-win, effective, transparent, productive, cost-effective and non-disruptive system.
The Teal model is fully explained in a book called Reinventing Organizations by Frederick Laloux (pronounced la-loo). Laloux describes twelve successful global organizations that have been practicing the teal method of self-management; some with thousands of employees and some for decades.
Teal organization have no bosses to tell you what to do because it is a self-organizing, self-managing system that works better than any conventional system. The organization is purpose-driven and those involved are encouraged to follow their passion because that’s what brings and builds the creative energy to the team. Be ready to open your mind to this wonderful new way to work and live. It is VERY different from any other system you have come across. Frederick Laloux, and fore-runner, Don Beck with his Spiral Dynamics description, provide all the information needed to get started.
For a teal organization to function an operational structure is required. For an online organization this operational structure will be an online collaboration platform integrated with a transparent Intra-net communication system and using HoloChain decentralized web service. It will be known as the Global Teal Network for everyone. This new integrated structure will enable Teal Certified Members to run their own projects and practices while being linked with all the others in the network by way of a built-in “intra-net”. This development will coincide with the construction of World Harmony’s new website. Remember, living and working within a teal system is fun, exciting, contagious, very liberating and fosters success.
GTN is there to support dedicated and tenacious social entrepreneurs around the world looking to express and expand their innovative ideas. It is a self-organizing, self-managing network, a collaboration interface and tool-suite designed to turn great ideas into crowd ventures. Project managers or those looking to get involved in projects can come together to build community, manage tasks, organize media and even crowd fund, all on one platform making it easy to bring people and projects together for positive impact.
GTN is for everyone of good-will who wants to create a better world for themselves, their family and humanity. There is no limit how far and fast it can grow. It is designed to all those of good-will to create a new civilization; a world that is love-based and designed to allow people to live their dreams in peace and harmony!
If you’d like to get involved in building this New Civilization as described in this web site, contact us via any of the methods below. We’d love to hear from you. Our first nature is to work together in a way that enhances awareness of our potential. As GTN grows, so too will the rest of the world.
World Harmony Charter click HERE